Publishing Design - Final Project

17/6/2020 - 15/7/2020 (Week 10 - Week 14)
Chan Qian Hui 0334447
Publishing Design
Final Project - E-Book



Animation of Illustrations

After our book is done, we were tasked to create an E-Book version which needs to be interactive and include animations in the book. The size of the spreads will be following the ipad size.

Animation Progress:

The main animations are done in Adobe After Effects then transferred to Adobe Photoshop to convert the file to GIF format. Certain animations are done in Adobe After Effects while some are done in Adobe Photoshop.

Fig 1.0 Animation progress in After Effects

Fig 1.1 Animation progress in Photoshop

Final Animated Illustrations:

Fig 1.2 Animated GIF #1

Fig 1.3 Animated GIF #2

Fig 1.4 Animated GIF #3

Fig 1.5 Animated GIF #4

Fig 1.6 Animated GIF #5

Fig 1.7 Animated GIF #6

Fig 1.8 Animated GIF #7

Fig 1.9 Animated GIF #8

Fig 1.10 Animated GIF #9

Fig 1.11 Animated GIF #10

Fig 1.12 Animated GIF #11

Fig 1.13 Animated GIF #12

Fig 1.14 Animated GIF #13

Fig 1.15 Animated GIF #14

Fig 1.16 Animated GIF #15


For our E-Book, the design had be to changed to adapt to the ipad size. The typeset has to be different and the size of text should be larger as it is meant for screen reading.

Cover + 10 Best Pages:

Fig 2.0 Cover Design

Fig 2.1 10 Best Pages (#1)

Fig 2.2 10 Best Pages (#2)

Fig 2.3 10 Best Pages (#3)

Fig 2.4 10 Best Pages (#4)

Fig 2.5 10 Best Pages (#5)

Fig 2.6 10 Best Pages (#6)

Fig 2.7 10 Best Pages (#7)

Fig 2.8 10 Best Pages (#8)

Fig 2.9 10 Best Pages (#9)

Fig 2.10 10 Best Pages (#10)

PDF Thumbnails:

PDF E-Book :


E-book Interactive Buttons
For my ebook, I experimented with the interactivity of e-book and added a few types of interactive features. These features involve interaction with reader and enhance their reading experience as well. 

Process of creating interactive buttons:

Fig 2.11 Navigational buttons

Fig 2.12 Text Animation

Fig 2.13 Subtext Pop Out

Fig 2.14 Hyperlink

Fig 2.15 Adding Audio




Week 10:

Specific feedback: Mr Vinod mentioned that the current typesetting looks okay but the title of my chapter one shoud keep to the left like the original layout. I need to fix the kerning at certain parts as some are abit tight. For the animation, Mr Vinod mentioned that I could be more experimental with it and not make it too predictable.

Week 11:

Specific feedback: Mr Vinod commented that the animation looks good. The book design looks fine as well the text formatting is well done. I should be careful in aligning the illustrations, it should align to the text but not the text box.

Week 12:

Specific feedback: Mr Vinod mentioned that the layouts are fine but I need to ensure that the subtext should be consistent, if I want to hide it I will have to hide all. Mr Vinod also fixed some small errors in the illustration such as the shadow to make sure it's according to the walls. I also need to remember to include the navigational buttons and animation in the layout.

Week 13:

Specific feedback: Mr Vinod commented that there is no need to understad the navigational buttons and I can just keep the word short to cover page only. 


Week 10:

  • Experience - For this week it was fine as we just started working on the final e-book. Although the sudden shift from spreads to single page is a bit challenging but overall it was not a very serious issue.
  • Observation - I observed that most of my classmates have issues with typesetting. We still lack and eye of understanding how typesetting works and what makes a good type setting and good readability.
  • Findings - I found out that many of my classmates have really interesting illustrations and unique design which makes their book interesting. Some are really heavy on the illustrations while some apply very subtle visuals in their book only.

Week 11:
  • Experience - It has been a pretty hectic week since most of the modules are starting to enter the final project phase. Due to that I have been really distracted by the amount of workload and felt that I was not progressing much with my work. However I do try to work as much as possible to catch up with my classmates.
  • Observation - I observed that most of my classmates have very interesting animations and they are really good at these visual design aspects. I felt abit burdened because I thought that my animation was just very simple and easy compared to my friend's animations.
  • Findings - I found out that many of my friends are quite burdened by the workload as well and they were not able to progress much also.

Week 12:
  • Experience - I felt pressured since most of my friends are completed with their work but I am still struggling with my animation. It was definitely not because I was lacking but because of the amount of time wasted to shift the video from after effects to Photoshop as GIF and then having to manually adjust the time again later.
  • Observation - I observed that most of my friends are done with their book while mine still have holes here and there. I observed that because some of my friends use the latest after effects which can straight export into GIF which saved alot of their time.
  • Findings - I found out that I was pretty frustrated that I wasted alot of time on animation because I wanted the loops to look natural. I found myself still taking a large amount of time to export and convert the files while my friends are compiling and refining their work.

Week 13
  • Experience - After weeks of working on the book, I am feeling more relieved as less burdened as I see how my hard work has nurtured into a final completed work. I felt much more relaxed as now alls left is just compiling and finishing the small details only. I'm really happy I was worried about my modules as it really helped me to grow throughout the semester.
  • Observation - I observed that some of my friends who completed their work could relax and start working on other modules already. I also observed how all of our works have improved drastically and learnt a lot through this module.
  • Findings - I found out that the end product which I got was totally different from what I expected from the very beginning. From the choice of illustrations to the entire mood and feel of the book has changed. Plus the interactive features definitely brought the experience a level higher.


Design is Storytelling by Ellen Lupton

Design is Storytelling is a guide to thinking and making created for contemporary students and practitioners working across the fields of graphic design, product design, service design, and user experience. By grounding narrative concepts in fresh, concrete examples and demonstrations, this compelling book provides designers with tools and insights for shaping behaviour and engaging users. Compact, relevant and richly illustrated, the book is written with a sense of humour and a respect for the reader's time and intelligence.


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