Publishing Design - Exercise

13/4/2020 - 27/5/2020 (Week 1 - Week 8)
Chan Qian Hui 0334447
Publishing Design


Lecture 1: Format

Mr Vinod briefed us about the module and what we will be expected to do for the next few weeks. He said we will start working on the project 1 first since it is something that we can work from home and have more freedom to work on during this MCO. He also showed us senior's work as examples for us to refer.

Lecture 2: History of prints
For this week, Mr Vinod covered about the history of prints. We learnt about how printing evolved from the early days and the different techniques used in different times.

Lecture 3: Typography Redux
In this lecture, Mr Vinod covered on about typography redux. It is a similar topic which we have learnt previously in Typography and Advanced Typography. Some important takeaways from the lecture are keep 40 to 55-60 of characters in one line, leading of letters should be +3 or +4 of the point size of text. Paragraph spacing should be = leading * 0 or *1 or *2 and on. Although subtext has smaller point size, but the leading has to be the same as body text to maintain cross alignment.

Lecture 4: The Grid
For this week's lecture, Mr Vinod covered on grid system on layouts. Mr Vinod taught about margins, gutter and hangline. The margin is what that determines how a book will look like which forms the structure of the book. The gutter or also called column intervals are dependent on the type of alignment. While for hangline, it is where the point where the text starts from.

Lecture 5: Elements
This week Mr Vinod covered the three main elements in a book. The three elements are type, colour and image which are held all together by the format and grid. While it is important to try to create variation within the layout, but at the same time maintaining consistency across the book should be prioritized as well.



(1) Mock Up Book Measurement

For this exercise, we were told to draw 3 different sizes which are bigger than A5 and smaller than A4 size. The ratio of the height to width does not have to be the same as the A5 or A4 ratio and we can determine the sizes we want based on our preferences.

The three sizes that I came up with are as below:

1. 170 x 220 mm (Final Size)
2. 190 x 240 mm
3. 200 x 250 mm

Fig 1.0 Book Size Exploration

I also had cut outs for each measurement to have a better comparison.

Fig 1.1 Cut out of 170 x 220mm

Fig 1.2 Cut out of 190 x 240mm

Fig 1.3 Cut out of 200 x 250mm

The final measurement that I chose is
170 x 220mm. Then I proceed to fold 8 pieces of A3 paper and cut according to the measurement in order to create a 32 page book. I used stapler to bind the papers together and created the mock up book.

Fig 1.4 Mock-up staple binding book (170 x 220mm)

Fig 1.5 Mock-up staple binding book (open) (170 x 220mm)

Fig 1.6  GIF of mock-up staple binding book (open) (170 x 220mm)

Fig 1.7 Mock-up staple binding book (layout) (170 x 220mm)

Fig 1.8 GIF of mock-up staple binding book (layout) (170 x 220mm)

(2) Content Generating
For this content generating, it is done first for our project 1 so we could have a headstart and focus better for other aspects in the project. We were tasked to write a 3000 word story following the format given by Mr Vinod.

(3) Van De Graaf
Mr Vinod showed us how to draw the Van De Graaf grid on a piece of A3 paper. We were then tasked to recreate this on a piece of paper and on InDesign with out book measurements.

Fig 2.0 Van De Graaf on paper

Fig 2.1 Van De Graaf on InDesign

(4) Signature Folding System

For the signature folding system, Mr Vinod taught us how signatures look in a book. He also showed how a piece of A3 sized paper can be folded and converted into a 16 page book.

Fig 2.2 Signature open

Fig 2.3 Signature number sequence

(5) GridFor this exercise, we were asked to select two layouts which we find interesting from the internet. Then we were assigned to draw the margins and grid lines according to the layout we chose.

Fig 3.0 Grid exercise layout A

Fig 3.1 Grid exercise layout B

(6)Form & Movement

For this exercise, we were tasked to create a grid transition using a simple shape through 16 pages.

Thumbnail of 16 spreads (black and white):

GIF outcome:

Fig 4.0 GIF outcome (black and white)

After that, we were told to introduce one new colour to the layout.

Thumbnail of 16 spreads (colour):

GIF outcome:

Fig 4.1 GIF outcome (colour)

Second form and movement layout:

Thumbnail of 16 spreads (black and white):

GIF outcome:

Fig 4.2 GIF outcome (black and white)

After that, we were told to introduce one new colour to the layout.

Thumbnail of 16 spreads (colour):

GIF outcome:

Fig 4.7 GIF outcome (colour)

Then after colour is introduced, we then brought in image. Mr Vinod mentioned that only 1 image should be used in the spreads.

Thumbnail of 16 spreads (picture):

GIF outcome:

Fig 4.9 GIF outcome (picture)
After a picture is introduced, the final step in creating the form and movement exercise is to include text. We used dummy text to fill in the layout.

Thumbnail of 16 spread  (addition of text):


GIF outcome:

Fig 4.11 GIF outcome (with text)


Week 1:

General Feedback: 
For our first exercise, Mr Vinod reminded us to make sure we have 1 paper with all the measurements, 1 cut out sheet and 1 mock up book as submission. After we have done with everything, we were required to take a clear picture of it (with label) and upload in our blog. We were also told to update our eportfolio and make sure our 3000 word write up is completed by next week.

Specific Feedback: 

Mr Vinod said the choice of measurement for my book is good and I need to make sure that I complete everything (1 paper with all the measurements, 1 cut out sheet and 1 mock up book) and upload in eportfolio.

Week 2:

General Feedback: 
Mr Vinod commented that we should use natural lightning to take our pictures and try to avoid tiles. Make sure that there is no shadow on the picture and the picture is clear and visible. He also reminded us to include a flatlay and update our further reading in our eportfolio.

Specific Feedback:

Mr Vinod suggested me to photoshop my picture so the tile lines are not visible and also make the picture brighter and cleaner.

Week 4:

General feedback: For our form and movement exercise, Mr Vinod to not overcomplicate the transition and add only 1 new colour. 

Specific feedback: Mr Vinod commented that the transition from 2nd to 3rd spread is good. Other than that there are a few things to fix on the other transitions. The ending of the spread also need to be explored and find a better way to end it so it does not look boring.

Week 5:

General feedback: For our next exercise, it is important to note that we should choose our image wisely. There should only be 1 image and the image should not have too many noise, placed strategically with layout as the placement is important to coordinate with page. 

Specific feedback: For my second layout, Mr Vinod mentioned that the layout which the 3 dots transition to the 2 lines is not very fluent and requires rethinking. Besides that, the ending needs to be more redesigned as well, maybe I do not need to have so many dots in my layouts and no need to end with a dot.  While for my colourization of first layout, Mr Vinod said that the colour is too much especially on the 3th and 4th spread. The colour should but subtle and not overwhelm the entire layout with colour.

Week 6:

Specific feedback: For the form and movement exercise, Mr Vinod commented that the placement of pictures is nice and good. He likes how I put only the part of the body and focus on the purse in thumbnail number 3.


Week 1:

  • Experience - For the first lecture, I was pretty anxious and worried as we do not have physcial classes due to the MCO. I was stuck in my cousins house at hometown and I did not bring much materials or resources with me. I was lucky to have brought my laptop for work but I had a hard time finding materials to work for most modules.
  • Observation - I realized that ever since we shifted to online classes, our interaction with Mr Vinod seem to have increased. He provided more sessions to work with us but it was hard to obtain feedback and such since we could only show him our work through the webcam. Many of my classmates felt much more less energetic and could not focus as well as physical classes.
  • Findings - I found out that Mr Vinod provided a lot of resources to work on. There was lecture, live and also feedback sessions which was great. But sadly when I wanted to work on my project one, I could not find any books for reference to guide me as I can't access to library as previous semesters and I do not have any books around me. It was hard to get resources from online as e-books have different format and layout compared to actual books.

Week 2:
  • Experience - I was slowly getting used to the online classes already. Although I struggle quite a bit to find papers and also book references to help me with my exercises, I do feel much more reassured with Mr Vinod's suggestions and feedbacks on our work. I am quite anxious as I still think that I am not able to focus well and perform in my best possible condition. 
  • Observation - I realized that my friends are really good with their literature skills and able to come up with interesting titles for their project. Besides that, I observed that my classmates were also able to catch up to the exercises quickly while sometimes I feel quite slow and tired trying to work on all the assignments.
  • Findings - I found out that I was focusing a lot lesser and due to that I ended up comparing a lot with my classmates. It was a serious problem that I used to have when I was in typography class as everything was unfamiliar to me. I don't like how this problem came back again and I wish to get some reassurance about this entire situation that I am stuck in.
Week 3:
  • Experience - Although I am still worried about my work, I am slowly starting to focus on whatever I can do now and understand what I need to do instead of comparing with my friends. I started working harder and take more time to know what I want to do and using my friend's work as benchmark to push myself to work harder.
  • Observation - I noticed that I was focusing less this semester because I often get distracted easily as I am home. I also can't seem to progress much in my work due to procrastination.
  • Findings - I found out that there are actually a lot of resources on pinterest to help and assist us in our works. Sometimes a really good work can be very subtle to the eye, and sometimes a visually good looking work may not be as good as we think it is.

Week 4:
  • Experience - For this week as we start to work on the visuals for our book already, it was hard to take out time for exercises as there is quite a lot of things to handle at one time. I personally enjoyed the form and movement exercise as I thought it was pretty interesting.
  • Observation - I observed that many of my classmates use bold and complex shapes for their form and movement exercise, their layouts are usually much more filled and have different elements in it. 
  • Findings - I initially expected my exercise to not be very good as it was very simple and plain compared to the work my friends have so I was surprised when I got positive feedbacks from Mr Vinod regarding my form and movement exercise.
Week 5:
  • Experience - I realized that I am now taking lesser time to do the layout for form and movement ever since I have a rough grasp on what the exercise aim is. I hate to admit that I still felt that my layouts are way too simple and plain compared to my friends but I really enjoyed the process of seeing the transition of the shapes
  • Observation - I observed that my classmates are struggling on the form and movement exercise as they can't seem to understand the meaning behind the exercise. It took me a bit of analysis and understanding as well in the beginning to grasp the purpose of exercise.
  • Findings - I started notice that transition of the spread can actually be done in a very abstract way as long as there is a point of connection between the two spreads. The point of connection should be stronger if there are larger changes in the transition while the point of connection can be subtle if the change is not drastic.
Week 6:
  • Experience - For this week it was pretty hectic as we not just had to rush for our project 1 but we also had to complete the exercise which makes it pretty stressful. Thankfully my classmates decided to have a online session to do our work together before class and that helped me to stay awake to complete my work.
  • Observation - I observed that the presence of others when I do work actually helps to keep me work better and longer. Although it may not apply to everyone but I think having a group of friends to do work together makes the process more fun and less stressful.
  • Findings - I found out that in the form and movement exercise, whenever we introduce a new element we must ensure that the new element is not overwhelming or overpowering the original element. The original transition should be prioritized first and the add ons are just like additional sprinkles.


Grid Systems in Graphic Design by Josef Müller-Brockman

This book mainly focuses on grid system for publishing. The book provides guidelines and rules for the function and use for grid systems from 8 to 32 grid fields which can be used for the most varied of projects, the three-dimensional grid being treated as well. Exact directions for using all of the grid systems are presented with examples of working correctly on a conceptual level.


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