Design Principle - Project 2

12/6/2019 - 26/6/2019 (Week 11 - 13)
Chan Qian Hui 0334447
Design Principle - Project 2


For our project 2 - a sense of place, we were required to create an A4 collage artwork based on a place. We can either take different photos of the place to create a digital collage or print it out to create a photo collage as well. Our goal is mainly to show an atmosphere about the place, what can you feel about the place by just looking at the collage work.

I started by choosing a place which I want to go, which is a fast food restaurant, A&W at Sunway Geo. As I often went there to celebrate, the restaurant gives me a really celebrative and joyful feel with it's atmosphere and vibe.

I wanted to create a digital collage for this project since I've worked on traditional collage in Project 1


Since the place I'm visiting is a restaurant, I wanted to highlight the signature food of the place, which are A&W's Root Beer and Waffle.

I took a few photos of the food, location and things I found interesting in the restaurant.

Fig 1.0 A&W Waffle
Fig 1.1 A&W Root Beer
Fig 1.2 Interior wall of the restaurant
Fig 1.3 Poster found in restaurant
Fig 1.4 Board found in restaurant
Fig 1.5 Typography found in restaurant
Fig 1.6 Exterior of the restaurant
Fig 1.7 Interior of the restaurant
Fig 1.8 Typography on the plates
Fig 1.9 Interior of the restaurant
Fig 1.10 Sign on restaurant door
Fig 1.11 Pouring maple syrup on waffle

Research :

After getting the pictures I wanted, I researched on some digital photo collages to refer to the compositions and placing of different photo elements.

Fig 2.0 Research artwork
Fig 2.1 research artwork
Fig 2.2 Research artwork

Sketches :

Before jumping into work, I started by sketching my rough idea in order to organize my work.

Fig 3.0 Sketch for idea

The main idea of my artwork is to 
  1. Highlight their signature food : Root Beer and Waffle
  2. Able to let audience recognize the restaurant brand quickly
Work Progress :

For this project, I used Adobe Photoshop to place, mask and put the photos together to create an artwork. I made 3 artworks for this project. Each with a similar colour scheme, just different placement of photos.

Artwork A :

Fig 4.0 Progress GIF of artwork A
Fig 4.1 Artwork A

For Artwork A, I mainly focused on the food, I used the least amount of photos in this artwork because I didn't want to make the artwork too messy and confusing.

The image of the food are larger, covering most of the artwork. The signs and the typography are smaller thus it does not steal much of the highlight from the food.  

Since for food I only included waffle and root beer, the typography which I included such as the "Ice Cold" sign is close to the root beer, and the "made fresh in store" is close to the waffle, to describe about the food in the restaurant. 

The center is the Restaurant's Sign "A&W" and since I didn't want it to steal the highlight of the food, I placed it behind the photo elements.

Artwork B :

Fig 4.2 Process GIF of Artwork B
Fig 4.3 Artwork B

For artwork B, the overall concept is more messy and sort of exhibiting all the foods to make people drool while looking at this. The food are not arranged orderly but coming in all direction to create a dynamic and fun feel. It makes the food seem popped out and looks exciting and attractive.

Unlike artwork A, this artwork focuses less on specific foods but more on the overall foods and atmosphere. It focuses more on being a restaurant then branding.

Using the same typography as artwork A, this time the "ice cold" sign is utilized as a stamp which pastes on the artwork and the "Made fresh in store" does not focus on one food but it relates to all the food in the artwork.

Artwork C :

Fig 4.4 Process GIF of Artwork C

FIg 4.5 Artwork C

For Artwork C, the photo elements are arranged in a more neatly position because the photos are going in the same direction. The main focus which is the waffle and the root beer are placed at the center of the direction and the photos are enlarged to create hierarchy.

The other photo elements which are smaller and added to the side creates a invisible line which brings the audience's eye to follow the direction of the artwork.

This although creates a not so strong message, but it is easier to look at and more neat compared to the previous 2 artworks.

Design Principle included :

1. Harmony 

Fig 5.0 Colour palette used
I used the colours from the same colour palette which is A&W famous orange and brown colour palette. Thus the colours do not clash with each other.

2. Direction 

The arrangement of the photo elements create a sense of direction which guides the eye of the viewer.

3. Hierarchy

For artwork C,  the images of the root beer and waffle is the largest and placed at the center of direction. This surpresses the smaller photo elements which are at the sides


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